
越南興豐實業公司是深圳市興豐塑膠有限公司品牌旗下於越南的獨家經銷單位. 興豐塑膠成立於1992年, 專業從事工業塑膠領域20多年, 是一家集研發, 生產, 銷售于一體的綜合性公司.興豐塑膠專業制造及銷售廣泛用于工業, 畜牧業, 漁農業, 餐飲業及物流等相關配套之塑料產品. 主要產品包括塑料托盤, 周轉箱籮, 環衛保潔產品等. 公司於中國國內17省市均設有銷售點, 為不同的客戶提供貼身及到位服務. 我們一直以 『不斷改進, 直致客戶滿意為止』的理念, 為客戶設計及生產具競爭力的產品及提供物流倉儲的解決方案.

Vietnam Hung Phong Industrial Company Limited is the subsidiary of Shenzhen XingFeng Plastic Co.,Ltd. XingFeng is the famous plastic manufacturer in China. Started from 1992,XingFeng had expanded the line to include a large variety of household products, catering and restaurant supply, office products and industrial high duty container and pallets.Our“ XingFeng”brand name is highly recognized in the plastic industrial locally and oversea. High Quality, good service with competitive pricing are our company policy.


Vietnam Hung Phong Industrial Company Limited

電話 Tel : (84) 0313.827.666
业务查詢电郵 : sales@vnhungphong.com
公司代表: 阮氏麗 Nguyen Thi Le ( 中國話/ 越南話 )
手機 Mobile : (84) 0977.050.609 / 0931.511.335
電郵 Website : le.nguyen@vnhungphong.com
地址 Address : Unit C, 7F, Harbour View Office Tower, 12 Tran Phu Street, Haiphong City, Vietnam.